Sunday, January 15, 2006

Imagination is better than Knowledge ?

In a recent edition of toastmasters, I was given this topic to make an impromptu speech and the following were my random thoughts on the subject.

Imagination is better than knowledge ?. A tricky question to answer. Similar to the chicken and the egg scenario, it is not always possible to clearly define what is more important.

Take the case of Adam and Eve. When they were frolicking in the garden of eden, all their imagination would not have helped them had they not had the knowledge of what is wrong and what is right. It is the knowledge, the capacity to differentiate between right and wrong that helped them move mankind forward. In effect, imagination without a semblance of knowledge would not be very effective.

On the other hand, take the case of Newton and the apple. It was common knowledge that apples will fall down to the earth from trees. However, it was Newton's imagination, the ability to think outside the box that made him come up with the laws of gravity. Mere knowledge about the falling apples was transformed to a path breaking finding because of the imagination.

To conclude, Imagination without knowledge or knowledge without imagination will not take us very far. It is only when they are combined, they become potent.

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