Thursday, March 08, 2007

Spider Man

I want to be a "Spider Man" - My 4 year old son replied when asked what he would like to become when he grows up. Those innocent eyes conveyed the earnestness in the reply. When probed further on why he wants to be a spider man, the answer was instantaneous- "Spider man beats the bad boys and saves the good ones".

All of us want our children to excel in their careers and be successful. While this ambition in itself is earnest and justified, very few of us spend time to think outside the materialistic myopia of being rich and successful. How many of us want our kids to be spidermen, working for the cause of the society selflessly ?. How many of us want our kids to be spidermen - standing up and fighting for justice without shying away from the responsibility as a citizen ?

As children we start our lives with lofty ambitions. Ambitions that are not scarred by the world around us. Lurking within our little hearts, there was a spiderman in each & and every one of us. Somewhere in the transition from childhood to adulthood, we lose this gift of innocence. The spiderman in each one of us starts fading, replaced with a more mundane, normal human more concerned with himself than about the society !.